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Friday: EcoBag & Recycling workshops

Hello everyone and greetings from sunny Didim! Last two days has been cold and windy, but finally today the weather was a little bit warmer and we really had a change to enjoy the sun!

We started our day by bus and we went to the local park and had a wonderful outdoor breakfast there. The owner of the hotel invited us there, because he also wanted to show local activities. Luckily the day was so beautiful for outdoor breakfast! The owner of the place told us about the park and activities there. The park was built 2008 with volunteers and disabled people. The main idea of the activities there is that disabled people will have better opportunities to do things outdoors. There is 10 disabled people working in the hotel and there in the park.

After the breakfast and info we started to make EcoBags. During our Cleaning Activities we have noticed, that there are plastic bags everywhere in the nature. And definitely plastic doesn't belong to the nature, so it is very important that every one of us avoid using them! All the participants made their own EcoBags and there was really nice atmosphere in our workshop. Could today be your first day to make an own EcoBag? :)

In the afternoon we had a workshop about Creative Recycling. Brecelets, notebooks, wallet, cartoonflowers, a truck, rings and candle holders were made from different kind of rubbish. There are lot of recycling ideas in the internet and we only tried few of them. But it was so fun to see that how we can make beautiful things from ugly rubbish! If you have good tips for Creativee Recycling, please share them in our open page "Green Society in Action".

After this "eco active" day it is time to get to know each other a bit more. So, let's start our Intercultural Night and you will hear about our activities tomorrow again! :)


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