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Final exhibition

The main purpose of our activities during this week has been that we have showed to local people how important it is to take care of our environment.

On Sunday we prepared our final exhibition, which was kind of highlight of this whole week in Didim. On Monday we had the exhibition in local cafe. We collected there all our beautiful pictures, sculptures and EcoBags. With them we wanted to show to local people, politicians and the media, that they should care and pe responsibility of the nature.

The major of Didim municipality visited also in the exhibition and we were really glad about his visit. In his speech, he told us that now he really has woken up how important it is to take care or the nature especially in Didim, which is a very popular tourist place during the summertime. He also thank us, because all participants came to Didim and everyones' work during the week has been very important. The major invited us to visit Didim also in the future. Didim is really beautiful place, so we really recommend it also to you! We gave our EcoBags to local Disabled association. They were happy about this gift. Also the major get his favourite EcoBag and photo of the nature.

The final exhibition was amazing. The media was interested and our project has obviously affected to the people and also the nature in Didim.


We like to thank YouthGroup GM, all our co-operation associations, Municipality of Didim, Okenos Diving, S&G, Turkish National Agency and Erasmus+ programme. This activity week has been amazing and we really believe that every participants have learned lot about nature, recycling and photographing. And of course the most important thing is that we have learned lot about different cultures and now we have many new friends from different countries.

Thank you! Our activities shall continue in Italy, where our next activity week is going to be! :)


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